You’re Never Too Old.

So my mother comes up to me and tells me that we aren’t doing Christmas because Christmas is for children. That is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. So my mother comes up to me and tells me that we are not giving gifts on our birthdays anymore because gifts are for children. BULLSHIT! So my mother tells me that we are no longer giving easter baskets because we are too old. When do you think it’s a good idea to give up traditions once practiced when you were a child? Do you think you should give it up at all? I for one think traditions are traditions and it shouldn’t matter how old you are. growing up isn’t an excuse to stop having fun, and if it’s about the money then I say who’s t0 say that gifts have to have a dollar amount? It breaks my heart to believe that my mom believes that you have to be a child to enjoy and appreciate a gift from the heart.

~ by Connie on December 18, 2010.

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